Legislation is currently in place to prevent landlords of commercial properties from being able to evict tenants for not paying rent; to restrict landlords’ abilities to recover rental arrears through the seizure of tenants’ goods; and to restrict the service of statutory demands and winding up petitions. These measures are in place until 30 June 2021.
The Government has made a call for evidence to understand how landlords and tenants are responding to the build-up of rent arrears that has occurred during the pandemic. The evidence gathered will assist government policy on how best to exit from the existing measures and consider the need for additional measures.
Views are currently being sought from businesses; business representative organisations; commercial landlords, lenders, investors; commercial property professionals and anyone with an interest in or connection to the commercial property market in England. The Government is particularly interested in the views of small to medium sized businesses including small commercial landlords, independent businesses and sole traders with leased premises.
The call for evidence closes at 23:59 on 4 May 2021.
For further information and to complete the online survey, see: https://consult.communities.gov.uk/urban-policy/commercial-rents-and-covid-19-call-for-evidence/