Brecher is carefully reviewing the Government’s advice on responding to COVID-19. As you would expect, the health of our staff, members and clients is our utmost priority and we are following the guidelines given by Public Health England.
Brecher continues to provide its usual service to clients and has taken steps to ensure that so far as possible, it is business as usual. We have systems in place to allow people to work from home and for transactions to be run remotely. Some of these systems have already been implemented and others are being rolled out in the short term. You will be able to reach the lawyers who normally work for you on their usual numbers and via email, in the usual way.
It may not be possible during this period to meet in person but our lawyers will be able to communicate with you by numerous means, including telephone, email, WhatsApp, Facetime and Skype, in most cases.
If you do need to come to our office, please be aware that we are operating strict standards of screening, cleanliness and hygiene and we will ask you to ensure that you follow our procedures, to keep both you and our staff and members as safe as possible.
If your lawyer is self-isolating or you are not able to reach them, or if you require any help in any matter, practical, legal or otherwise relating to the current Covid-19 outbreak, please email any of:
- jrook@brecher.co.uk – all matters relating to the law firm generall
- jabram@brecher.co.uk – property and general matters
Any of the above will be able to point you in the right direction.
We are doing all that we can in this current uncertain period to both look after our teams and continue to provide the best service we can to our clients. It is undoubtedly the case that unexpected matters will arise and that advice will change and we will update you as to any changes as soon as we can. We will act sensibly and adapt as quickly as possible to any changes and challenges we, or our clients may face.
Wishing you all the very best health.
The Management Team, Brecher LLP